Top 10 Best Pickleball Paddles in 2022

If pickleball is your sport of choice, and you want to ensure you get the best equipment, we might be able to help you. While this guide isn’t for those who want to find a short solution and spend just a few bucks on a paddle, it should help all of you who are pickleball enthusiasts. Throughout this article, we will cover the key points for choosing the best paddle and highlight a few of our favorites. Let’s get started!

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Finding a Paddle That Suits Your Needs

It is a fact that there isn’t a universal paddle that will meet the needs of all pickleball players. Finding a paddle that won’t land you a grave injury can be pretty tricky. We’re here to assist you in determining the best solution for you. We’ve done the legwork for you and saved you a lot of time researching pickleball rackets. You want one that is not only affordable but also has adequate weight and size. Do you require a bigger grip for a more powerful paddle? How about a paddle that’s a little longer? Is it beneficial to have a thicker core? Is it true that a smaller size matters? The many materials utilized in the paddle, the weight of the paddle, and your style of play are all factors that you will want to consider.

Choosing the Best Pickleball Paddle

When it comes to finding the proper paddle for you, knowing these aspects is critical. You must have a pickleball paddle with which you are completely at ease. The paddle should feel comfortable in your hands and be the right size for you. When it comes to sizing your paddle, it’s similar to sizing a tennis racquet. You must be able to maintain a sense of normalcy while playing the game. Trying to play with a paddle that is too large for your hands will not provide you with the finest control. Pickleball is a high-intensity sport that may be physically demanding.

There are a few things you should be aware of in order to purchase the finest pickleball paddle. There is a lot of information available online regarding these paddles and what they have to offer. You’ll need to be able to restrict your attention a little to figure out what you need to be concerned about first. When choosing a new paddle, there are three essential considerations to keep in mind: The first one is the weight of the paddle; the second one is the shape that should meet your playstyle; the third one is the grip size.

Weight of the Paddle

The paddle’s weight will have a significant impact on how it feels in your hands. When it comes to picking a new paddle, most pickleball players will agree that weight is the most significant consideration. Pickleball paddles typically weigh between 6 and 14 oz. The weight of the paddle affects how it feels in your hands when you hold it and swing it. It will also affect your ability to control the ball. 

When choosing a paddle weight, it’s also vital to consider your physical condition. People who have had previous injuries may choose to use lighter paddles since they will be simpler to manage. Driving the ball will be easier with a heavier paddle. You’ll also have less control over the ball than with a lighter paddle. Some people like paddles that are stronger or thinner. Finding a paddle that falls somewhere in the center is often the best option. This will help you to drive the ball well while also allowing you to control it properly.

Those who aren’t in terrific shape should use lighter paddles as well. It’s likely that after playing the game for a long period, you’ll become exhausted and injure your elbow. When selecting a paddle, keep this in mind.

Lightweight Paddle

These are set between 6.5 and 7 oz. You’ll have more control and maneuverability with a lighter paddle. Light paddles are ideal for anyone looking for a paddle that will relieve tension in their elbow or shoulder. You lose power and drive when you play with a light paddle. Due to the loss of power, a strong wind is required to hit long or hard shots. Using a paddle that is too light for you might result in a variety of issues. When you use a paddle that is too light for your strength, you may miss shots since you are swinging quicker than normal.

New players should choose a lighter paddle that is simpler to swing and has better accuracy and wrist motion. If you’re using a paddle that’s too heavy for you, you’ll soon become exhausted. Lightweight paddles, which are recognized for their control, are great for those players who dip and prefer drop shots over strong strokes and slams. Additionally, when you are at the net, and the ball is blasted at you, they enable a speedier response time. Lighter paddles have the disadvantage of providing less power. Lightweight paddles will work nicely if you are transitioning from ping pong or racquetball to pickleball because those games require lots of wrist motion.

Middleweight Paddle

Paddles that are midweight weigh between 7 and 8 oz. Most pickleball players prefer a midweight paddle because it combines the power and control of both a lightweight and a heavyweight paddle. Paddles that are midweight are simpler to go buy in-store or online. A medium-weight paddle is a good option if you aren’t sure what weight is right for you and can be used by players at all levels.

If you’re not sure what weight is suitable for you, a medium-weight paddle is a smart alternative. It may be used by players of all abilities. Paddles with a medium weight provide a nice balance of power and control. Paddles that are neither too light nor too heavy should be used by players who want to play with elegance and strength. They are still an excellent choice for all play conditions, even though they don’t give the same amount of control or strength.

Heavyweight Paddle

Paddles that are heavyweight are 8 oz or more. A heavier paddle will provide you with far more power than a lighter paddle. It takes less effort to smash the ball harder and deeper with a heavier paddle. However, with tremendous power comes great responsibility. You’ll have less control and a slower swing with a heavyweight paddle. Because a heavier paddle requires more power, frequent usage might lead to weariness. In addition, players with elbow and shoulder ailments should avoid using a heavy paddle since continued use would put greater strain on those symptoms.

Players that choose power over control typically use a heavier paddle because it allows them to produce more pop on the ball. A heavier paddle allows you to swing the paddle quicker, but it will take more work to reach that pace. Furthermore, authority comes at the cost of some control. In singles, like in singles tennis, heavier paddles are more popular since force trumps elegance. In singles, pickleball, dinks, and drop shots are less common than in doubles pickleball.

Using a paddle that is too heavy for your strength might lead to a variety of issues. You won’t be able to control the ball if you use a paddle that is too heavy for you, and it will move in other ways than you want it to. Furthermore, a hefty paddle is more likely to injure you. For example, you may suffer soreness in your wrist or even your arm after playing pickleball for a day. In this situation, it’s possible that the paddle is to blame, and you might consider switching to a lighter model.

Paddle Grip Size

When choosing a pickleball paddle, the grip size is also vital to consider. The circumference of a pickleball paddle grip is usually between 4 and 4.5 inches. You should play with a paddle that fits your hand’s grip circumference. If you try to play with one that is too tough for you to hold, you will have poor outcomes. When you play with a grip size that is too large for you, you may have a variety of problems. When you’re trying to make contact with the ball, your hand may slip, which can lead to elbow issues over time.

When it comes to finding the right paddle, the weight and grip of the paddle go hand in hand. It’s common practice to start with a lesser grip size and work your way up. The benefit of a smaller grip size is that it allows for more movement. This will help you control the ball better, and you will be able to put a spin on the ball much more readily. A smaller grip makes sense if you want to be able to serve strongly and change hands as necessary. You don’t want a grip that is too tiny for your hands, of course. Much of your decision will be based on your hand size and what feels comfortable to you. Many players point out that adopting a bigger grip has certain distinct advantages. 

With a smaller grip, more wrist motion is possible, making it simpler to spin the ball and increase control. A bigger grip, on the other hand, reduces pressure on the wrist, elbow, and shoulder joints while maintaining stroke stability. Your height is one of the simplest methods to determine grip size. Players who are 5’9″ or taller, for example, should utilize a paddle with a grip of 4.5″ or more. To determine a grip size that meets your needs, you should know how to measure it. 

Index Finger

This method is commonly used to assess the grip size of tennis racquets, but it may also be used to determine pickleball grip size. This approach requires a pickleball racquet that has not been tweaked or built up and has a known grip size.

Place the palm of your hand against the same side as the string face on the racquet when using an Eastern pickleball paddle grip. Take your index finger from your other hand and try to fit it between your thumb and other fingers as snugly as possible. If it fits securely, the sizing is correct. The grip is too tiny when your index finger has little room to move and too large when there is too much space between your fingers and palm.

Hand Measure

The second approach does not include the use of a tennis racquet or pickleball paddle, but it does necessitate the use of a tape measure or ruler. You might wish to use a ruler to gauge the size of your hand. Measure the distance between the tip of your ring finger and the center of your palm with a ruler. Your pickleball grip size is the distance between the tip of your paddle-hand ring finger and the middle crease of your paddle-hand palm. You can see if this is accurate for you by gripping your paddle with your natural stance.

Power/Control of a Paddle Grip

You’ll have to make some important decisions now that you know more about how weight and grip size affect paddle choosing. When it comes to the overall power and control that you will get from your paddle, your selections will make a difference. You should consider whether you want to play with power or control, just as you would when deciding between heavy and light paddles (or a mix of both). Many of the paddles on our best pickleball paddle list offer a terrific combination of both characteristics. However, if you have a strong preference for one way over the other, you should choose a paddle that is designed for a power player or someone who requires complete control around the net. Another factor to consider is the grip. Some paddles include moisture-resistant grips that allow them to be more accurate than others.

To make an informed selection, you must consider how you play the game. This will enable you to locate a paddle with a suitable balance. Some individuals prefer to keep things in the middle of the spectrum between heavy and light. There is no right or incorrect answer because it all depends on your physical attributes and how you want to play the game. You could benefit from lighter pickleball racquets with smaller grips. You will have more control, but your shots will be less powerful. A heavier pickleball paddle with a broader grip may provide more force, but it may fall short when it comes to pinpoint accuracy.

Prevent Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow can occur due to a variety of causes. Repetitive damage to the hand’s tendons is the most prevalent cause of tennis elbow. When you perform the same thing over and over again, especially if it’s an activity that involves a lot of wrist movement, the tendons stretch out and cause tennis elbow. Tendons, muscles, and ligaments are the key components of this disorder. It’s a condition in which little tears develop in the tendon that surrounds your elbow. This can result in elbow inflammation, which is where the discomfort begins. The injuries are not limited to racquet/paddle players but can happen to anybody who engages in repetitive action.

All of you with a tennis elbow injury shouldn’t raise a white flag just yet. Rest your elbow and stay away from the motions that caused the pain in the first place. Icing the injury can assist in relieving the discomfort, and physicians will usually prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs to help you deal with the condition. If you believe you are suffering from tennis elbow, make an appointment with your doctor for treatment. On the other hand, there is a wide variety of actions that you can take to prevent a serious injury.

Improve Your Technique

When you continuously swing a paddle or racket, you run the risk of developing a tennis elbow. However, you may correct this by ensuring that you are swinging with good form. Swinging erratically or slightly off-center might place excessive strain on your elbow, which can be harmful. Hire a skilled paddle coach if you want to be sure you’re employing the right technique. This is necessary to avoid overusing muscles in an incorrect manner, which can result in tennis elbow. You’re more likely to get harmed if your technique is poor. Because the smaller muscles are less overworked with good technique, you can play for longer lengths of time.

Change the Grip Size

Tennis elbow is also a concern for those who use paddles that are too heavy for them. You may be straining your elbow if you are using a pickleball paddle that is heavier than you are used to. Each shot you take might be bringing you closer to a tennis elbow injury. Thankfully, these issues may be avoided simply by switching to a more appropriate paddle and paying attention to how you swing. Changing your racket might help you avoid being hurt. While any sort of pressure on your elbow from gripping a racket can create difficulties, some racquets are more damaging than others. Diamond-shaped rackets, for example, are often top-heavy, exerting stress on the elbow and hand and increasing the risk of tendinitis.

It requires more gripping effort to keep the racket from rotating in your hand when you play with a too-small grip. Gripping the racquet too tightly is one of the most prevalent causes of tennis elbow and other arm disorders. Use the finger measurement method to determine whether your grasp is too small. Hold your racket in your dominant hand, then attempt to put your non-dominant hand’s index finger in the gap between your fingers and palm; if you can’t, your grip is too tiny. Make sure your grasp isn’t overly large, as this might lead to elbow difficulties.


Before you play a game or go to a class, spend some time preparing your muscles. Hold a tennis ball in each hand securely for 2-3 minutes, squeezing and releasing it. Roll your wrists in both directions for a few cycles. Although these stretches may appear little, they are powerful prophylactic methods that, when performed correctly and regularly, can dramatically minimize the chance of developing tennis elbow.

You’re putting yourself in danger of injury if you don’t engage your forearm muscles regularly. Exercise the muscles to keep them strong and healthy so that they can handle stress. Pickleball players should also focus on remaining in shape in methods that are gentle on their elbows. Warm up appropriately and stop if you have any pain while exercising.


After each match, take a cold shower or, better still, an ice bath to promote recuperation in two ways. It might aid with lactic acid flushes, for starters. Second, when you exercise vigorously, your muscles are vulnerable to micro-tears, which cause soreness. Ice baths are supposed to help mend micro-tears faster, allowing muscles to recover to their normal form faster. You won’t be able to heal fully if you don’t eat and drink enough. You’ll need to refill your energy levels after your match because you burned a lot of calories. Following a match, a soothing massage will greatly assist in the recovery process. It will help you relax your muscles at first. During a match, the muscles begin to tighten, causing a considerable quantity of tension to build up. It’s better if you can get rid of the tension in some way, or else you’ll be hurting the next day.

Material of the Paddle

The material used to make a pickleball paddle might also impact your decision. Wood, composite, and graphite are the three major materials used to make pickleball paddles. You may learn a little more about each of them and figure out which one will appeal to you the most in the sections below.


Pickleball paddles made of wood are the most traditional and have been around for a long time. Today, wood pickleball paddles are the most common type of pickleball paddles. Although these paddles have developed throughout time, they are still not as sophisticated as the other kinds. Wood pickleball paddles are one of the most frequently purchased and used types. They are simple to manufacture, resulting in cheaper retail pricing, and are a perfect choice if you are on a limited budget but still want to play pickleball.

Keep in mind that it is a heavy paddle and may or may not be suitable for you, depending on your requirements. This will be a suitable paddle type for individuals looking for a lot of driving power. As previously said, heavier paddles generally imply that you must give up some control. If you want to be able to make extremely accurate shots, one of the other alternatives could be a better fit. 


Composite pickleball paddles have been increasingly popular in recent years. A composite paddle has a composite core and a fiberglass or carbon fiber surface.

If you want to be able to spin the ball and make some outstanding strokes, a composite paddle is one of the greatest options. These paddles have a great feel to them and are much lighter than the wooden versions discussed before. There are also a variety of pricing points to explore, allowing you to select composite paddles that are both functional and cost-effective. The use of a textured surface on composite paddles helps players produce more spin on their shots, which is one of their benefits. 

Many composite models are inexpensive and operate admirably. As for cores, these can be made out of metal, polymer, or Nomex.


Competitive players choose graphite paddles when choosing a pickleball paddle. The graphite on these paddles is quite thin, yet it is extremely robust. If you’re just seeking the most desirable paddle that specialists recommend, you might want to investigate graphite paddles. Pickleball paddles made of graphite usually weigh between 6 and 9 oz. These will be made with a core, much like the composite paddles. Aluminum, polymer, or Nomex honeycomb can be used for the cores. The graphite face on both sides of the pickleball paddle is one feature that distinguishes graphite paddles from the rest.

Pickleball paddles made of graphite are the most costly. In general, graphite paddles are more expensive than composite paddles, even at the low end.

As for the advantages, graphite paddles are also well-known for their ease of control. These are an excellent choice if you want to make accurate shots and maintain control over your game. On the other hand, the difficulty is that these are rather pricey, and they may be out of reach for some people’s budgets. There aren’t any graphite paddles that will fulfill your demands if you need to get a more cost-effective paddle. You’re better off looking at the composite models to see what’s available. Graphite pickleball paddles mostly appeal to people who are big pickleball enthusiasts.

Shape/Build of a Pickleball Paddle

The paddle’s form also has a significant impact on how it feels to you. Paddles come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and they’re constructed out of a variety of materials. A paddle’s design and construction will determine whether it is suitable for various tasks. Some paddles are great for some people, but they might be difficult to use for others. As long as the length/width doesn’t go over 24 inches, the paddle meets the pickleball guidelines.

Elongated Paddle

Set at 16 to 17 inches in length, it has a narrower body shape than a normal paddle. The shape, on the other hand, delivers more reach, power, and spin while reducing control. As a result, this form is preferred by many singles players.

Many individuals are becoming increasingly interested in the elongated paddles indicated above. As a result, elongated pickleball paddles have developed into their own distinct category. Elongated paddles are available from most major pickleball racket manufacturers. The face is long, and the handle is shorter than usual. Because of the shorter handles, these paddles are more difficult for beginners to wield. The paddle’s face is also thinner, making it more difficult to make contact with the ball. Some seasoned pickleball players look forward to the challenge. Despite this, many individuals prefer the classic paddles over this design.

Keep in mind that not all leagues or clubs will allow you to use particular paddles. The nimbleness of this sort of paddle will appeal to those who can master it. Regardless, you should verify with any officials ahead of time to ensure that the paddle you intend to use is compliant with the rules. While these paddles aren’t great for double players, they seem to be a fine fit if you are into single matches.

Oversized Paddles

This time, the paddles will be a little bigger and longer than normal. It might give pickleball games a new dimension by providing players with more surface area. The face of an enormous pickleball paddle is longer than the handle, but the handle is shorter than normal. Its purpose is to expand the sweet spot by giving the batter a larger hitting surface. Many clubs where serious games are played do not accept oversized paddles because they surpass the required size of 24 inches. Even so, it isn’t an issue because many individuals who buy bigger paddles do so for recreational purposes.

Some paddles that would typically be considered big have means of getting past the regulations. Some paddle producers, for example, will reduce the handle while extending the paddle’s face. This helps to maintain the paddle technically compliant with various clubs’ standards. However, losing paddle length may have a detrimental influence on your game. This type of paddle is best for folks who wish to have fun in the comfort of their own homes.

Widebody Paddles

The most common sort of paddle you’ll come across is a widebody paddle. When playing competitively, you should expect these paddles to be of normal regulatory size. They’re also the ones that are most likely to be found in stores. The majority of these paddles will be 8 inches wide by 15-3/4 inches long.

The formal regulations will, for the most part, be consistent throughout most clubs. Pickleball paddles are typically measured by multiplying their length by their widest point. According to most conventional guidelines, its breadth should not exceed 24 inches. Any paddle that is longer than this is termed an enormous paddle. 

Standard Paddle and Paddle with a Longer Handle

The paddle’s normal form is 16 inches long by 8 inches broad, which is by USAPA specifications. Widebody paddles are another name for these paddles. You can attain a fantastic balance with this racquet. They are a wonderful choice for novices since they provide more surface area for ball contact.

Some pickleball paddles have longer handles than others. Paddles with longer handles are preferred by two-handed backhand players. The form of these paddles will be bigger, but the paddle’s face will be smaller, and the handle will be longer.

The Core Material

The paddle core is one of the most important components to consider when choosing the best pickleball paddle for you. The paddle core, which is integrated into the pickleball paddle, also plays a role in deciding whether to use a heavier or lighter paddle. When buying pickleball paddles, you’ll come across three fundamental core types, as previously indicated. Aluminum cores, Nomex honeycomb cores, and polymer cores are the three types. 

Aluminum Core

Aluminum-core pickleball rackets are one of the most popular. The fact that they are so light in weight is one of the reasons why people appreciate them so much. Finding a paddle with an aluminum core is a smart option if you want to keep the weight down and offer yourself the greatest control possible. This is the choice for you if you consider yourself a player who has to be able to control the ball well for your style to operate.

Similar to Nomex cores, they come with honeycomb forms, but instead of a polymer resin, they’re made up of an aluminum hexagonal wall. Aluminum core pickleball paddles are often heavier than lightweight fiberglass or graphite pickleball paddles. Despite this, when utilized with a fiberglass face, aluminum core paddles may be balanced out with better accuracy. This not only improves longevity but also makes them easier to manipulate, enhancing flexibility and shot accuracy.

This has the drawback of reducing the power of paddles with aluminum cores. You just cannot expect to have the same driving force as you would if you were to use a Nomex core. On the other hand, the affordable price and simple maneuverability make them a good choice, especially if you are just getting started. 

Polymer Core

Polymer is composed of a particular plastic blend and is quickly gaining popularity. Polymer cores are the most modern of the three core types. Although the technology is still improving, polymer core paddles will undoubtedly be the quietest paddles available. If hearing a loud sound every time you make contact with the ball irritates you, purchasing one of these is a good idea. When you use these paddles, you will produce the least amount of noise, making them ideal for folks who live in gated communities. The fact that these paddles are softer is one of the reasons why they are so much quieter. 

Many of the major pickleball companies now use polypropylene core technology as their paddle core. This novel core type was chosen largely to produce paddles that are both durable and lightweight. The polypropylene core material is incredibly soft and acts as a cushion, making it less reflecting and allowing it to make more contact with the ball.

There are a few drawbacks to this. The main issue is that polymer cores will be underpowered when compared to Nomex cores. Because of the softness of the paddle, you’ll end up softening your shot. Despite the fact that there are some excellent polymer core paddles on the market with more power than normal, they will still fall short of the Nomex choices. Polymer core paddles are, therefore, a suitable choice for players who like to have complete control over their shots rather than depending on power.

Nomex Cores

Honeycomb cores from Nomex are also quite popular. This technology is constantly growing and has recently become one of the top choices. Pickleball rackets with these cores are extremely robust. It’s made by immersing a honeycomb structure in polymer resin and allowing it to cool and solidify. Because of the lack of a cushioning effect, Nomex paddles are exceptionally light and durable, but they are fairly rough and loud when compared to other cores. 

These cores are quite popular among those who demand both power and accuracy. With a Nomex core paddle, you can enjoy a fast-paced game of pickleball while remaining in control. The main issue is that it is the loudest and heftiest on the market. Each time you make contact with the ball, you will hear a disturbingly loud noise (something you can get used to after playing for months).

Effect that Noise Can Have on Your Pickleball Game

It may not be as crucial to most as the other aspects, but it is worth discussing in any case. If you live in a quiet neighborhood, picking a paddle that makes a lot of noise throughout the game might be quite difficult for individuals who live nearby.

If noise is an issue for you, a paddle with a polymer core is the ideal option. You’ll be able to have fun playing pickleball without bothering others. You will find that clubs have restrictions requiring quiet paddles, so it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with poly-core paddles. If you have any issues concerning noise laws, don’t be hesitant to ask your community managers, country club management, or any other people of authority.

In general, the harder a paddle is, the noisier it will be. For individuals who live in gated neighborhoods or are attempting to play the game in a communal gym, this can be an issue. Some sorts of paddles should be avoided if you wish to keep things quiet. The Nomex core paddles are the loudest of the paddles you’ll come across. When you make contact with the ball, you’ll hear their signature loud popping noise. Some neighborhoods will have an issue with your excessive loudness. The particular restrictions will vary greatly depending on your position and where you reside, so do some research before choosing a paddle.

Do You Need an Edge Guard?

Edge guards ensure that the paddle’s edge is secure and protected from chip damage. The most suitable size is a medium-sized edge guard, while larger ones can give a wider striking area than normal. A broader guard, on the other hand, might make your paddle heavier and affect your overall pickleball play.

Many competitive players favor the edgeless models. There are certain benefits to not having to worry about whether or not the edge guard is there. When you’re playing the game, it provides you with more surface space to work with. For safety, many edgeless paddles contain a thin tape around the edges, however, it is not as obvious as a standard edge guard. One thing to keep in mind regarding these paddles is that there are two different styles to choose from. You have the option of purchasing a classic paddle with an edge protector or an edgeless paddle. 

The drawback is that your paddle will not be as well protected as it would be with a standard edge guard. It all boils down to whether you’re ready to forego durability in exchange for a larger working surface area. Edgeless paddles are more prone to chipping around the edges than paddles with edges. Take this into consideration when deciding the style you want to pursue.

Choose Your Paddle Color

To various players, the color of a pickleball paddle implies different things. Some people enjoy accessorizing their outfits with the most vibrant or sleek patterns. When it comes to picking a pickleball paddle, several companies now offer a variety of stunning designs, colors, and patterns to choose from. People prefer to choose paddles based in part on their overall visual appeal. 

The majority of wooden paddles on the market will be gentle. When purchasing one of the more basic wooden paddles, you won’t find many unusual colors or designs. Color variants and elegant paddles will occasionally be more expensive. The paddle’s overall design will be factored into the cost. You could even want to coordinate your paddle with your attire. If you are a fashionista, this might be quite enticing to you.  Finding a paddle that matches the color of your playing gear to a tee shouldn’t be difficult.

If you wish to purchase athletic equipment with a unique style, you’ll want to consider your possibilities. Many truly stunning composites and graphite paddles are available on the market. They may have unusual hues or patterns, and some of them will even include artwork that sets them apart from the crowd.

How Much Does a Paddle Cost?

The types of paddles that are available to you will be determined by your budget. If you’re just getting started in pickleball, you might want to go with a less expensive alternative. If you want anything a little more high-end, you’ll have to pay a lot of money for it. Fortunately, there are excellent pickleball paddles available for almost any budget. If you are a beginner, then you will be able to find paddles that are low in price so that you can get used to the sport. Those looking for anything just a little more advanced than a basic level can also discover various cost-effective solutions. 

Pricey Paddles

Graphite paddles are the most costly pickleball paddles on the market. There will also be a few high-end composite paddles with a hefty price tag. If you want a high-end pickleball paddle, you can’t pay less than $100. Several paddles will set you back far more than $100. It all comes down to the features you desire and the brands you want to buy.

Some of the most expensive graphite paddles can cost up to $150. For $125, you’ll also be able to get some decent graphite paddles. When it comes to pricing, there is a substantial degree of variation. Most people who simply want to have fun playing pickleball will not want to invest this much money on a paddle. The heightened performance and motion of these paddles may appeal to those who take the game more seriously. Before you go any farther, think about the characteristics. On the market, various composite paddles are fairly priced. If you don’t need to spend this much money on a paddle, several of the mid-range composite versions would be a better option. Because there are so many stores selling these paddles, it’s impossible to estimate how much they’ll cost. 

Budget-friendly Paddles

An affordable pickleball paddle set can also provide you with all you need to play the game. This will enable you to purchase several paddles, each of which will include balls. These sets are quite enticing if you need to buy paddles and balls so that your entire family may enjoy the game together. It will provide all you require for everyone to have a good time while playing the game. The paddles in these pairs are nearly always made of wood.

If you want to obtain a new paddle for the least amount of money feasible, a wooden paddle is the way to go. Wooden paddles are the cheapest to produce, which means you can get them at a low price. You should be able to get a wooden paddle for between $10 and $25 on Amazon. Prices may vary slightly depending on where you reside, but wood paddles will always be the most economical.

When you’re ready for something a little fancier, start looking into low-end composite models. The polymer cores are usually found in these composite paddles. Other core materials are available in some more cheap composite paddles, although polymer is the most prevalent. These are frequently available for approximately $35, making them quite reasonable for individuals on a tight budget. There are certain advantages to using composite paddles rather than wooden paddles. Composite models are far more robust than wooden models, allowing them to be used for extended periods before needing to be replaced.

The Top 10 Pickleball Paddles in 2022

Given the huge variety of pickleball paddles, it can take time to find the one that suits your needs. To help you, we have researched the market and created a list of the top 10 pickleball paddles in 2022, considering factors such as power, control, grip size, material, and more.

1. Onix Graphite Z5 Pickleball Paddle

Onix Graphite Z5 is one of the most popular paddles under $100, making it a wonderful choice for pickleball fans, recreational players, and pros alike. The paddle comes in a variety of colors, allowing you to pick the one that appeals to you the best.

This paddle features a broad body, which means it has a larger sweet spot for improved control. The paddle’s face is composed of graphite, while the core is constructed of Nomex. This gives a decent blend of spin and power, as well as a paddle weight that is in the center of the range at roughly 8 oz.

The handle was developed specifically for pickleball players and is similar to a tennis handle. The grip is perforated and cushioned, ensuring a secure and pleasant grasp while playing the game. The perforated grip also absorbs moisture from your hands, ensuring that you don’t get distracted when playing. The Z5 paddle’s larger design is particularly ideal for newcomers to the game who are still learning the ropes. The graphite face is also responsible for low weight, fast speed, and power shots, giving your opponents a hard time.

The main issue? The fact that it is pretty noisy as a result of the Nomex core. Still, the affordable price and high-quality structure make it a paddle that you shouldn’t miss out on.


  • Set at an attractive price
  • Highlighted by a medium weight and a wide shape
  • Offers superb spin and excellent control
  • Can be used by players of all skill level
  • Ensures a larger sweet spot
  • Noisy due to Nomex core

2. Paddletek Tempest Wave Pro

Another popular paddle used by many players for quick shots with accuracy and precision is the PaddleTek Tempest. Even though the specs aren’t spectacular and the features are merely average, it still competes with many of the top pickleball paddles.

The polymer core will help you to play a stronger and more controlled shot. The graphite face is also responsible for the racket’s lighter weight. It just weighs 7.9 oz, which is a significant weight reduction while still maintaining balance. Tempest Wave Pro is unrivaled in terms of control. While the paddle’s main focus is accuracy, it also boasts a wonderful mix of power and spin. The rough graphite surface, along with the polypropylene core, boosts both spin and accuracy.

This pickleball paddle has a long grip that gives you a lot of alternatives. The 5-inch handle gives you more control over the racket and offers versatility to your game. It is easier and faster to swing the paddle. 

It has an edge guard and a thin, high-tech grip that helps you to better handle the paddle while eliminating sweaty palm issues. Keep in mind that similar to Onix, the Paddletek is loud. However, while it is more expensive, it is a long-term investment that a pickleball pro would not regret.


  • It is a great choice for intermediate players
  • Meets the professional pickleball guidelines
  • Attractive and available in a variety of colors
  • Offers fantastic control and a good spin
  • Great accuracy
  • Lightweight and durable
  • Higher price
  • Noisy

3. Gamma Sports 2.0 Pickleball Paddle

The Gamma 2.0 pickleball paddle is an improved version of the original Gamma classic racket. This paddle offers excellent value for your money, and is widely regarded as one of the best pickleball paddles available today. The cost ranges from $50 to $100, which is in the center of the pickleball paddle pricing range.

With its fiberglass face this paddle gives a perfectly balanced shot and control of the game despite its lighter weight. You can hit strokes with speed, precision, and power thanks to the fiberglass face. On the other hand, it maintains a beginner-friendly lightweight structure. 

Because they are all middle-weight, average-sized paddles, they are excellent for both beginner and expert players. However, there are variations available with a larger body that may be preferable for beginner players. The grip and handle length are all 4 inches, which may be too little for players with bigger hands. The paddle is also designed to give a pleasant, sweat-absorbent grip.

This pickleball paddle also features a revolutionary honeycomb core that enables strong strokes with complete control. With some great spinning blasts, you can keep one step ahead of your opponents with this core. With this racket, you may swiftly advance to a new level of pickleball play. The main issue? The fact is that it doesn’t come with a paddle cover and isn’t as durable as the aforementioned two. 


  • Perfect for players of all skill levels
  • Complies with the USAPA guidelines
  • Comes with excellent control and a fantastic spin
  • It produces little to no noise
  • Features a wide sweet spot
  • Doesn’t come with a paddle cover/not as durable

4. Selkirk S2 Amped Pickleball Paddle

The Selkirk AMPED is an excellent pickleball paddle. It comes in several styles and colors, and you may select between a lightweight and a middleweight version. It’s a terrific paddle for professionals, but it’s also a good paddle for intermediate players who want to develop their game.

The Selkirk Amped pickleball paddle is the greatest pickleball paddle for power, control, and spin. The paddle’s body is 8 inches broad and offers a large sweet spot. If you have a big grip, the grip size of 4-1/4 inches may not fit you. This is a multi-purpose paddle with a large surface area. This provides you with a fantastic opportunity to earn good hits. The FiberFlex face of this paddle is a standout feature that gives you more time to pick your stroke.

The paddle’s face is composed of fiberglass, while the core is built of a strong poly honeycomb. This provides excellent control and a decent mix of spin and speed, with a focus on spin. The two weights imply that you may select the paddle that best suits your playing style. It has a shorter handle than the others on the list, allowing for a broader face and attack zone.

The main downside is that it isn’t an ideal choice if you are a power player or someone who is just getting started. Still, the fiberglass structure and versatile design are the main reasons why you should take a closer look. 


  • Offers a fantastic balance of control and spin
  • Comes with a large sweet spot
  • It isn’t noisy
  • Superb if you are a professional player
  • Made out of durable materials
  • Not for power or an inexperienced player

5. Pro Kennex Kinetic Pro Speed II Paddle

It’s a pricey paddle with a proprietary technology that protects players’ elbows and arms. This paddle’s Kinetic Energy technology has proven a significant decrease in vibration and energy transmission. It makes the ProKennex a dependable paddle and an excellent choice for long-term pickleball play. 

Popular in tennis, the vibration-reducing tool is now available to pickleball players as well. It has a calming sensation that will maintain your body in top shape while also providing more on-court accuracy and flexibility. While the paddle cover improves its durability, the fact that it comes without an edge guard means that you will notice a bit of wear and tear as a consequence of everyday use. 

It has a seven-layer skin consisting of resin, composite, and graphite, which is essential for offering powerful strikes and a steadier grip. It comes in a variety of colors including blue, raspberry, and yellow. Overall, a fine choice if you want to prevent a tennis elbow or if you are a player who is disturbed by the noise that comes with Nomex cores.


  • Suitable for players who suffer from tennis elbow
  • Offers great accuracy and control
  • Good for players of all skill levels
  • Comes with a sturdy paddle cover
  • Available in a variety of colors
  • Doesn’t produce noise
  • Doesn’t come with an edge guard (prone to chipping)
  • Pricey

6. Rally Graphite PX Paddle

This pickleball paddle has a distinctive and adaptable design with excellent stats and features, making it one of the best pickleball paddles on the market. This paddle’s structure has been greatly improved. It allows you to play strokes that go out beyond your opponents. The paddle is extremely big, resulting in an even greater sweet spot, and the face is composed of graphite, allowing great accuracy and control.

You may select from four different colors for the paddle. As previously stated, the paddle’s surface is composed of graphite. The paddle also features a poly honeycomb core, which isn’t the best choice if you are easily disturbed by noise. 

On the other hand, its strong point is the periphery guard, which improves the durability and reduces the wear and tear that comes from everyday use. This paddle also features a 50-inch polymer Power Core that allows you to propel the ball past your opponents. The 4.25-inch diameter of the handle is appropriate for players of all hand sizes and skill levels. The perforated grip is anti-slip and will prevent sweat-related accidents. Overall, an affordable paddle that you should consider, whether you are a beginner or a professional.


  • Comes with a non-slip grip
  • Offers fantastic control and accuracy
  • Large head ensures a broad sweet spot
  • Perfect for players of all skill levels
  • Durable edge guard
  • No paddle cover
  • Noisy

7. Amarey Pickleball Paddle

The AMAREY Pickleball paddle is the perfect choice for you if you wish to play some destructive and breathtaking pickleball shots. When it comes to features and stats, this graphite paddle with a crisp design outperforms many other of the finest pickleball paddles.

The paddle is small and light, yet it is quite sturdy and well-balanced. AMAREY’s paddle can produce a perfect balance during shots with an ultra light weight of only 8 oz, enabling good playability, control, power, and a solid grip. Because this paddle ball is lighter than any hardwood racket, it is also easier to manage.

This pickleball paddle has exceptional characteristics and convenient features. The face is constructed of graphite, while the core is built of honeycomb polymer, which gives a superb feel and touch during play. This pickleball paddle will not be dinged or dented while playing the game.

The paddle’s handle circumference is 4.25 inches, allowing for easy and comfortable handling. This paddle has an ergonomic grip that won’t slip in your hands. Most importantly, it is suitable for all skill levels, and the great control that it offers makes it a fantastic paddle if you are a beginner learning the rules and game specifics.

Our main issue? The noise it produces. Still, the reliable edge guards, powerful polymer core, and attractive design make it a worthy choice!


  • Comes in a variety of attractive colors
  • Highlighted by a powerful polymer honeycomb core
  • Offers fantastic accuracy and control
  • Comes with a graphite structure
  • Ergonomic and sweat-absorbing grip
  • It is pretty noisy

8. Niupipo Pickleball Paddle

If you are on a tight budget but don’t want to miss out on the advantages of playing with a reliable paddle, this Niupipo product is the right choice for you. It’s ideal for players seeking paddles that have been certified by the USAPA. This paddle is unique and well-made. It’s best for people who desire a more balanced and powerful game.

The front is composed of high-quality cloth, so you’ll have a tight fit without having to carry a lot of weight in the paddle. This gives you the most control and a strong hit. The reliable honeycomb core is one of its highlighting points, and is made up of two fiberglass sheets, resulting in a paddle that is both sturdy and forceful. Thus, you can expect to have great accuracy and control. Most importantly, this paddle comes with a cushioned and perforated grip, which means that it will withstand everyday use and won’t slip out of your hands. 

While it is heavier than most of its competitors, the sturdy structure allows for impressive power and on-court reliability.


  • Made of graphite and honeycomb core
  • Comes with fiberglass sheets for more accuracy and control
  • Offers superb spin
  • Broad sweet spot
  • Affordable price
  • Impressive power
  • It is pretty heavy

9. Gama Poly Core Pickleball Paddle

The highlighting honeycomb format and the Sensa Poly Core make it a paddle suitable if you are a player who wants speed and power. Set at around 7.6 oz, it offers fine control and is simple to maneuver. 

The design on this pickleball paddle enables direct and quick contact between the ball and the paddle surface. The handle is ergonomic and made to withstand everyday use. In addition to that, this paddle does come with a durable edge guard that doesn’t only protect the paddle, but also allows for more accuracy. Also, it comes with a 1-year limited warranty on all structural defects.

Apart from the smoky pattern that supports the attractive appeal of this paddle, you will love the 4-inch sweat-absorbing grip. The main issue? The fact that it has a narrow sweet spot. Still, the power and touch that it offers make this Gama Poly Core paddle one of the best on the market.


  • Offers fantastic accuracy and a great spin
  • Highlighted by fine control and touch
  • Set at 7.6 oz in weight
  • Comes with a 1-year limited warranty
  • Features a 4-inch perforated grip
  • The sweet spot is too narrow

10. Gamma NeuCore Pickleball Paddle with Honeycomb Grip

Last, but certainly not least, is the NeuCore paddle with a high-quality polymer core, the Gamma Compass Graphite paddle that provides users with a long and convenient reach. Offering fine touch and a soft feel, it doesn’t sacrifice the shot power. 

This paddle is set at 16.75 inches in length and weighs just around 8 oz. Most importantly, it comes with a sturdy graphite surface that offers more spin. In addition to that, it offers a  4.75-inch handle that features a perforated grip and should allow for more maneuverability.

Lastly, it is the larger number of honeycomb cells that make it a paddle that produces little to no noise. While it comes at a higher price, the performance and structure make it a great long-term investment. 


  • Combines great accuracy with powerful spins
  • Perfect for professionals (complies with USAPA guidelines)
  • More cells for quieter performance
  • Attractive design with a Gamma front logo
  • Sophisticated sweat-absorbing grip
  • Pricey

Best Pickleball Paddle Brands


What began as a modest family business in 2010  has since evolved to become one of the leading names in the industry. Their aim has remained the same: to assist you in reaching the next level of play. Paddletek pickleball paddles are known for their sophisticated reduced vibration, smart response technology, and honeycomb structure. The Paddletek paddle lineup consists of three main paddle lines: Bantam, Tempest, and Phoenix. Paddletek uses a variety of paddle cores in each series to provide players with distinct paddle properties. It’s worth noting that most of Paddletek’s greatest pickleball paddles come in more pricey ‘Pro’ variants. A pro paddle’s key advantage is that it has Paddletek’s SRT core. Smart Response Technology (SRT) is a core that is meant to give you greater forgiveness in the paddle. This implies that even in the most competitive and demanding playing situations, you will find it simpler to handle and place difficult shots.


Engage Pickleball is a pickleball paddle maker and sponsor headquartered in the United States. All paddles are created in the United States and meet USAPA requirements, guaranteeing that the majority of the paddles on the market are suitable for USAPA-sanctioned competitions.

Engage extensively tests each paddle during the development phase as part of their dedication to quality. They use player input to enhance their prototypes before completing the designs, resulting in outstanding products like the Engage Encore Pro. Paddles for more power, control, and reach are also available, guaranteeing that there is a suitable alternative for every player.


Gamma Sports is a major maker of a range of equipment. They are based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The firm began in the 1970s by developing a new type of tennis racquet string that is still widely used today. The force that these innovative tennis strings provide continues to be praised in Gamma string reviews. Gamma is best known for its tennis rackets and strings, but it also makes some of the best pickleball paddles on the market. The firm is dedicated to researching new technologies to improve its paddle designs, such as the innovative Sensa Poly Core and the ergonomic Gamma grips that come standard on all Gamma paddles.


The company’s headquarters are in Idaho, where they manufacture all of their products. A Selkirk pickleball paddle is handcrafted in the United States and backed by a lifetime guarantee. This demonstrates the company’s dedication to providing high-quality paddles.

Selkirk paddles have become a popular choice for pickleball players of all skill levels in the years since they were initially produced. For leisure play, there are two series of paddles to pick from. Beginners will love Latitude and NEO. These paddles are less expensive and more adaptable, but they lack the power and delicacy of the premium Selkirk paddles.


Prolite pickleball paddles include some of the most advanced and cutting-edge technologies available in the pickleball business. It has stepped up the game with the Black Diamond series, introducing fresh and revolutionary paddle face and core technology to the game. They have used carbon fiber in their new Black Diamond series to provide the greatest paddle face technology. The paddle faces are made entirely of carbon fiber and are excellent at absorbing energy. The newest pickleball paddles also have PowerGrit Surface Technology, which is a terrific feature. Lastly, the MicroGuard was created to withstand strong blows on any surface, including the court.


After having covered the key factors, popular brands, and top 10 pickleball paddles in 2022, we look to help you further by answering some of the most common questions related to the game and the pickleball equipment.

Where to Get a Pickleball Paddle?

Pickleball equipment is available at most major sporting goods retailers. Pickleball’s popularity is growing, therefore it’s not uncommon to see pickleball equipment in large retailers such as Walmart.

There are several tennis racket alternatives available at Walmart, which will be displayed alongside the pickleball paddles. You should be able to locate some with the grip size of a tennis racquet. For some, going to a department shop to purchase their equipment may be the most convenient alternative. You may even find some on Walmart’s online vendor platform. This equipment is also available for purchase online. You should be able to find some of the best pickleball equipment available on internet markets, such as Amazon and eBay.

Longevity of a Pickleball Paddle

Certain paddles are built to last longer than others. Paddles with an edge guard, for example, are likely to endure longer than paddles without one. Those made out of composite or graphite are generally more durable than wooden paddles.

The length of time you can use a given paddle is determined by several things. If you look after your paddle properly, it should last you for many years. On the other hand, if you are rough with your paddle, you may end up chipping and shattering it over time. Bring your equipment inside once you’re finished as it protects the paddle from the weather and helps to extend their life.

How to Prevent Paddle Noise?

The best way to do it is by not buying a loud paddle in the beginning. Remember that the softest paddles on the market will be the quietest. If you want things to remain quiet, the polymer core paddles will be your best choice. These paddles are significantly softer than other paddle varieties, and when they make contact with the ball, they produce very little noise. If you’re looking for a quiet paddle, starting with a polymer core paddle is a good place to start.

Due to their loudness, Nomex and wood are materials that you should keep away from. The louder a paddle is, the more noise it produces. If you want to locate quieter paddles, you’ll have to look into composite and graphite paddles.

What About the Sweet Spot?

The existence of the sweet spot comes down to striking the ball straight down the middle of the striking surface. You’ll be able to use the sweet spot more frequently if you’ve become used to utilizing your paddle. When you use a tennis racquet or a ping pong paddle, this will also function. The sweet spot on a baseball bat is a nice illustration. You will be able to have maximum power when you can make contact with the ball and locate that sweet spot. To put it another way, striking the ball at the middle of your paddle will offer you the best shot imaginable.

Indoors or Outdoors?

The best pickleball paddles can be used outdoors and indoors. Regardless of where you want to play, you must maintain and protect your equipment. On the other hand, you will need to invest more time in finding an adequate pickleball ball, depending on the environment that you are playing in.  

5.6 How to Maintain a Proper Paddle Grip?

It depends on your desired shot. If you want to drive the ball, for example, the way you place your wrist can help you get greater force. These are more advanced tactics that you may focus on once you’ve mastered the basics of pickleball.

The most beginner-friendly way is to extend your palm toward the paddle’s grip. Wrap your hand around the paddle’s handle. Now you must hold the paddle in a V-shaped grip with your thumb and index finger. This is the most common grip used when playing pickleball.

How to Buy a Powerful Paddle?

Nomex core paddles will be one of the greatest solutions for power. Overall, a composite paddle with a Nomex core will be highly powerful. It will boost your ability to hit off the drive and allow you to feel the ball’s heavy impact.

Paddles made of graphite are another good choice. This will allow you to use a lighter paddle that still has plenty of power. The best part? While powerful, graphite paddles are lightweight, which is one of the main reasons why this is the most expensive paddle type. 

How Does Handle Length Affect a Pickleball Paddle?

For some folks, shorter handles may make things more difficult. For individuals who prefer shorter handles, there are many paddles available on the market. It’ll be up to you to pick which one feels right for you. Before making a decision, you might want to check out a few different handle sizes and lengths.

A paddle with a 5-inch+ handle, on the other hand, will provide better leverage while serving the ball and will be able to generate greater power. Many competitive players prefer paddles with longer handles because they feel more adaptable.


Pickleball is becoming more popular on a daily basis. Whether you are an experienced player or someone who is just getting started, it is important to understand the key factors that create a powerful and reliable paddle. Throughout this guide, we’ve reviewed the essential points, such as the grip size, material, and core, as well as how to choose a paddle that will meet your skill level. It is your turn to go through all the little details and make the best choice. Good luck!